Monday, January 30, 2006

The News - Election Shakeups

course, a blog being what it is, it means that what I posted first is now way at the bottom. So, technically, you might wanna start there and work your way up. I leave the choice to you.

I don't know about you, but I'm relieved to see that after an electoral result that shook the world to its core, we're finally getting down to establishing a proper transition and setting up the business of serious government.And it's not just the Conservatives, Hamas is giving it a go too and making sure the dollars keep a-coming. Swiss Bankers need to eat too.And who said that they don't have a sense of humour about the whole darned hullabaloo?

AND, in local news, my taxes aren't going up too much.Did you know that the biggest part of my taxes goes to pay for the police and then the second biggest part goes to pay for social services in Toronto. Mike Harris' legacy of honest-to-goodness Common Sense continues to bear fruit into the new Millienium


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