Sunday, January 29, 2006

Random Thought - More Star Wars

Due to high demand (or free time at work, rather) here are the 3 most overrated Star Wars characters.

# 3 - Dack. So, lemme get this straight. Luke Skywalker is going out to attack the AT ATs on Hoth. They set him up with a guy who, one would presume is one heck of a tailgunner. One might even assume he's the best guy in the fleet - maybe second best after Wedge's gunner. And one shot, a few sparks and dude is dead. Next thing you know Luke is distracted, his speeder is down and everything's gone to shit.
"I feel like I could take on the whole Empire myself," says Dak before croaking.
Yeah, right.

# 2 - Emperor Palpatine. Okay, dude waited all patientlike before striking. He killed hundreds if not thousands of Jedi and lord knows who else. But he only held on for, like, 18 years! I haven't seen so much planning coming to nothing since those Martians attacked earth without realizing that they were allergic to our weeds or whatever (literary/Spielberg reference!). Talk about no exit stragey.... So, points for effort, but if you're going to spend a lifetime planning for something, try to hold on longer than til the first blue milk-drinking punk comes along.

#1 Admiral Ackbar. All I have to do is recount the following series of events:
-Rebel fleet exits hyperspace to find the entire Imperial Navy waiting for them
-They get no readings on the Death Star shields
-Their communications get jammed
-Lando realizies the shield is still up
-The Death Star lets loose with its superlaser
-Says Ackbar: "It's a trap!"
For that "No shit, Sherlock," moment, he gets the prize.

It's tempting to list Boba Fett here since he really doesn't do much and does, in fact, get killed like a bitch but I don't want to upset any fanboys who probably google "Boba Fett sucks" every day to bring people in line.

Did you know that Cliff Claven is the Rebel officer who breaks Chewie's heart by closing the shield doors? Of course you did.


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