Sunday, January 29, 2006

Signs of the Apocalypse - PM's don't die....

Probably I won't be able to do this every day but it will no doubt be an ongoing series.

I actually had to read this twice and do a web search to make sure it was real. And it is, children. It is.
It turns out that being a failed Prime Minister qualifies you to be the next Simon Cowell (or, gasp, Zack Snyder!).

That's right - they've combined the integrity of American Idol with the pulsepounding excitement of the Prime Minister's Office and yielded something that, sadly, isn't even one of the worst things in the short history of reality TV. Kim Campbell, Brian Mulroney, Joe Clark and John Turner judging future political leaders...or something like that.

How pathetic is this? I mean, three of the four are Tories, two of THEM drove their party into oblivion and half the judges are the most Barely Prime Ministers in this country's history.

That you think it's cool being Kim Cambpell? I mean, imagine this scenario:
You're a middle aged man in some bar in LA. There's a kinda cute blonde over at the bar. Petite but smart and sassy.
You get to talking, go on a few dates. Then she lets the bomb drop: "I used to the be Prime Minister of Canada." Probably she'll neglect to mention the whole "Then my party only won two seats and ceased to exist even though we founded the country," but still....not bad, huh?

Wouldn't you feel that you'd really scored? Wouldn't you call all your buddies and say, "You'll never guess who I nailed last night?"
Of course you would!


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