Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Back in Action

Who is excited about the World Cup?
No, not me. I hate the World Cup but now everyone who searches for it on a blog search will find me too bad.
These are the only two things you need to know about why I hate the World Cup (or "football," really).
1) The Marxist Argument - Soccer is only popular in countries that are pretty hopeless and soccer provides an opiate to seduce them. Sociologically Ghana, Argentina and England are all not doing so well and they need some. (Healthy North American countries can revel in globalization and consumer goods!) So once every four years the people in Cameroon can get jazzed that MAYBE THIS TIME and then use the few pennies they have to buy some Adidas stuff, feeding the machine.
2) The Sports Argument - The whole point of sports is, like, that someone beats someone. It wouldn't be much fun watching the 100M in the Olympics if everyone finished with a time of 10.5 seconds and it ain't fun watching two teams finish 0-0. I'm not denying the athleticism required to run up and down a field for 90 minutes, accomplishing nothing other than a good cardiovascular workout...but when two of the final four teams get in by 1-0 scores (on a penalty kick and shootout respectively) there is SOMETHING WRONG with your sport.

Nuff said.
This isn't about the World Cup.

Why have I been so remiss in posting lately?
The short answer is that, surprisingly, I have much less free time now that I'm unemployed/working freelance.
Especially with a baby.

I will elaborate in my next post, later today.
In the meantime...

Here is something one might, hypothetically do, after a night with three hours of sleep:
-open washing machine
-turn necessary knobs to activate machine
-put in clothes
-add bleach to affect soiled items
-close machine
-put items in dryer
-realize that despite bleached cleanliness of items, no soap has been used in the process
-put items back in washing machine
-add soap
-set to cold water in the interests of preserving our scarce supply.



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