Monday, April 17, 2006

Spring has Sprung!

Due to a technical error, this is version two of a post that disappeared after being completed. Don't you hate when that happens? Hopefully I can capture the dry, biting humour of the original.

Okay....where was I?...right...

Spring is sprunging death is in full bloom. Even though we haven't had a real spring thaw here in Toronto, it's still the time of year for dead bodies to float ashore.

TWO were found this weekend. One in G. Ross Lord Park and one in Black Creek. How about that?

Across the sea, it's business as usual in Occupied Palestine. Of course killing Jews on Passover is something of a Hamas tradition so it shouldn't come as a surprise that when an enterprising Palestinian decides to set off a suicide bomb in Tel Aviv, the Palestinian Government are about the only ones who don't condemn it.

But there's good news if you're the type to root for our Arab underdog friends.
In a gross act of moral cowardice Canada, the USA and EU have all decided not to provide aid to the Hamas-led government. As at least one Toronto Star editor was brave enough to note, we are thus nipping a flourishing democracy in the bud and otherwise standing up for the strong Israelis at the expense of the weak Palestinians who we should be standing up for because, like, they're weak.

Anyway, there is a country out there with some cojones. A country that's not afraid to stand up against the forces of civilization and imperialism. Yes, Iran will be giving $50M to the Palestinian Authority.
And to think we could have been there first! Now that boat has sailed.

Well, when you live in a depraved society like I do in Canada, it's nice to know who you can really count on in a pinch.
It's good to know what side you're on.
And it's good to know who your friends are.


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