Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Why I LOVE Scott Stapp

Scott Stapp is a "solo artist" (or "artiste solo" as they say in France) but he used to be the singer for Creed. Remember Creed? No? Well, take your least favourite Pearl Jam CD, make it REAL slow, add in some of your own lyrics about how great Jesus is, then blow chunks all over it. Congratulations! You have Creed!

I could write and write and write about how lame Creed were...and are. But there's no point - they are gone. But Stapp, the lead singer, lives on. He even relased a solo album which I will not dignify mentioning.

Well, I love a good Scott Stapp story because (at the risk of pigeonholing him unfairly) he's a self-righteous, pompous prick who is symbolic of everything that can go wrong with rock music.

My second-favourite Scott Stapp story goes like this:
Day 1: Scott Stapp gets married
Day 2: Scott Stapp gets arrested at Los Angeles International Airport for, um (ALLEGEDLY!) being drunk and antagonistic.

This remains a DISTANT second to my #1 favourite Scott Stapp Story.
-Stapp meets chick at an Orlando airport bar. She thinks he's a loser and gives him a friend's phone number rather than her own and boards a plane.
-Stapp makes a booty call to the FRIEND (he doesn't know it's not the same girl) and she basically figures she'll have some fun and invites him down to Gainsville. (Home of Tom Petty, yeah!).
-she tells him to meet her at the local Denny's and then word gets out amonst the townies that Stapp will be visiting.
-Poor SOB gets his sister to drive him down and walks into Denny's where all the teens in town are having a snicker. Of course he does not spot the girl he is looking for.
-Kids then ask him to autograph Creed photos (what luck they would have them at Denny's!), casts etc. and otherwise make a total mockery of the fellow.
-Then things take a turn for the worse as he hooks up with some chick, gets drugs etc.

It is VERY NEARLY too much. But it isn't.
You can read the whole thing - with pictures and cross-referenced accounts of the incident here.


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