Monday, February 13, 2006

Spam(s) of the Day

The action is heating up as we approach Valentine's Day. Then it'll be St. Patrick's Day themed spam clear through March.

The winner for today is the sexily-named Elaine X. who wants to know if I want to be her fuck buddy.
The text:
"Wouldyou like to do that? I checked out your profile and you are just whatIm looking for. Want to be the one who screws me when Im horny? So whatdo you say? Send me a message at hardfuck06."

So her address, should I want to get in touch, is incomplete! She also doesn't say where she lives. I hope it's nearby. Also, the email she sent from is "" so it Nicole or Elaine???!!! What's going on here?

In tribute to the holiday season, I should mention Trey Bennet's "Fucking St. Valentine." But mostly because the text hardly makes sense:

What are you to do if you have bad erection? Especially
in the forthcoming Saint Valentines Day???
Don t worry, it is not the last of pea-time...
The most simple way is to visit our site, order the
medication and that is all you are to do!
Do not kill the clock!

If you know what the "pea time" thing means, please tell me.

Gobbledygook awards for the day go to:
Noble Still well and her subject line, "benefice deadlight" &
Cahir Luken and his/her subject line, "stomatitis empoison."

Junko Gorham sneaks under the wire with "cacti railing" for sentimental reasons.

There are no losers here.


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