Tuesday, February 14, 2006

No Soup for You?

Strange doings, folks.
The other day I reported on a press release mentioning that the famous Soup Man (aka Don't Call Me The Soup Nazi) was set to open up an outlet at the Eaton Centre in Toronto.

Well, my friend, Curly, (a soup maven herself) was doing some digging and came up empty.
Though the press release said the opening is 2/16, neither information nor security at the mall knew anything about the shop or about ANY opening at the mall this week.

Ever intrepid, Curly went ahead and called the New York office - even, in desperation, invoking the name of a semi-news-outlet. It took a few calls to get past the PR flacks but eventually she did only to discover that....there are no plans for a Toronto location.

What gives?
If you know the scoop (or ladle?) please feel free to dish (or bowl?).


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