Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Winnie Cooper -Math Genius

I was always undecided about Winnie Cooper.
Cute? Sure.
Sexy? No. (At least not at the time - which was, I admit, 1988ish.) She was supposed to be girl next door so, fair enough.
A bit of a prig? A tease? Yes, and yes.

Any way you slice it, she and Kevin broke up way too many times for him to have kept that going.

And there is no way, even in real life, that a kid like Fred Savage would have had a shot at that Madelyn chick. If he did, it was a no-frickin-brainer. Right? Right. (pictured - right)

Anyway,it seems our Winnie (real name: Danica McKellar) is all grows up - andshe loves math. That's right, math. If you want to hear her talk about,there's a lovely interview over at npr.com (think PBS, but without the exciting visuals).

ADDENDUM:Apparently, some time ago, Ms. McKellar aimed to re-do her image with alovely photo shoot that included shots like the one below. Points foreffort, no question.


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