Friday, March 24, 2006

Spam(s) of the Day!

While I have a spare moment, allow me to clear my spam backlog.

-Romero asks the eternal question, "Ever imagine your runty" and then spins a strange story about croquet.

-This letter from delmore keeps sounding like it will make sense and then veers back into absurdity:
"Morning Teemofe,

Question, you in lose 38 pds. and best companions; the vain battles we
have been fighting with

If this is true then go visit Me and Hubert both tried
it and can vouch for them. Dont' worry, nothing is required from you except
an open mind.

ever was! Good-bye, feet!' (for when she looked down at her. attitude.
Very good, my dear, very good. Come up, Bruin!.

No worries,

-Petrick asks a question for which the obvious answer is YES, YES, YES:
"Wanna get a anatomy like G. Clooney"

-Zoe Turner's opus, "Become the man women desire" is par for the course unti she lets loose with:
"14 Turk and Tatar The Tatars had arrived, swiftly and noiselessly, and a dozen of the warriors, still mounted, were surrounding him "


-Nita Perdue is selling a wonderful sex aid called "The Gravetizer" but it's not as funny without the picture. Imagine a small trampoline with a whole in the middle, then imagine a world of possibility.

-Lastly, I don't know how I've gone this long without posting a vintage African bank scam. Here's a good one, in it's entirety. And, um, don't respond to it, okay?

"My Greetings to you

I am Mrs Evelyn Gafari from Libya. I am married to
Late Jamail
Gafari of blessed memory who was an oil explorer in Libya
and Kuwait for twelve years before he died in the year
2000. We were married for twelve years without a child.

My husband died after a brief illness that lasted for only
four nights Since his death I too have been battling
with both Cancer and fibroid problems. When my late
Husband was alive he deposited a substantial amount of
money in millions of dollars with a Finance Firm overseas.

Recently my doctor told me that I have only six months
to live in this world due to cancer problem. Though what
disturbs me most is my stroke sickness.

Having known my condition I decided to donate this fund to
either a charity orphanage home or devoted God fearing
individual company that will utilize this money the way .I
am going to instruct herein I want this organization or
individual to use this money in all sincerity to fund
charity homes motherless homes orphanages and

Although I took this decision because I don't have any
child that will inherit this money and my husband relatives
are into radical organization
and I don't want a situation where this money will be used
in an unholy manner Hence the reasons for this bold
decision. Please pray for me to recover as your
prayers will go a long way in uplifting my spirit. I
don't need any telephone communication in this regard
because of the presence of my husband's relatives around me
always and my doctor has advised me not to speak on phone
because of my health
I don't want them to know about this development.
As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you further
directives on what to do and how to go about actualizing
this project I will also issue a
letter of authorization to the Finance Company authorizing
them that the said fund has being willed to you and a copy
of such authorization will be forwarded to you.

I want you to always pray for me However any delay in
your reply will give room in sourcing for an organization
or a devoted Individual for this same purpose.

Until I hear from you by email and you can as well reply to
this email address evgafi@sify com my dreams will
rest squarely on your shoulders.

Remain Blessed
Mr Evelyn Gafari"


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