Monday, March 13, 2006

Brad Pitt: Hunk or Horrorshow?

I fear the era of Prime Pitt has passed us by.

Stretching from Thelma & Louise clear through his work with David Fincher (Se7en, Fight Club) and Ocean's 11 and 12, Pitt could do no wrong (save Meet Joe Black).

On one level I know that I should try to keep my distance from the sick celebrtity culture we now have. But on another level...I must express my concerns about this whole Angeline Jolie thing. It's just weird. Isn't it?

It's not just the dumping Jennifer Aniston part.
It's more the lame screwing your leading lady thing. And then adopting Asian children and cavorting around the Third World with her thing. It's all just ... flighty.

Anyway, Fancy Pants has pointed me to this fine article that digs a bit deeper into the Pitt psyche. Using photographic and psychological explorations, there is ample evidence to suggest that, like some kind of Super Twin, Pitt somehow assumes the characteristics of the woman he is dating. Whether it's the ever-changing hair colour or shifting his posture to emulate Gwyneth Paltrow, there is some challenging stuff here. Think about it!

P.S. I just wanted to throw in these pictures of Jared Leto, having put on 60-odd pounds for his film role as the guy who killed John Lennon. (I won't write the guy's name because his whole goal was to get his name mentioned alongside Lennon's and writing that name, or, say, making a movie about him, only helps him further accomplish that goal while Lennon stays dead).
Anyway, it all ties together because if there is one person chicks love as much as pre-Angelina Brad Pitt it's one Jordan Catalano.

And because Pitt kicked his ass mightily in Fight Club. Well, actually Ed Norton did it but (SPOILER!) they're really the same guy so, whatever.


Blogger Unknown said...

it pains me to admit it, but my thoughts have been similar: Prime Pitt is over. i'd even take Joe Black to this.

10:17 PM  

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