Saturday, March 04, 2006

The Real World

Today sure was an exciting Canadian news day for a Saturday!

-They finally settled the RIM/NTP lawsuit so people can (shocker) keep using their Blackberries.

-This is good - Stephen Harper ran his election campaign all about ethics, strengthening the role of the Ethics Commissioner and so forth. Now the commish is looking into HIM (for luring a former Liberal to cross the floor) and he's all pissy about it. Hypocrite politicians are nothing new but this is one twisted little story!

-The dude(s) who stole a pair of 'priceless' slippers from the Bata Shoe Museum decided to return them all mysterious-like after police publicized a picture of "parties of interest" yesterday.

-Paul McCartney went on Larry King and debated the premier of Newfoundland on the seal hunt (and got Newfoundland and PEI confused).

-Unable to sell her digs, Avril Lavigne has resorted to the old "I'm famous - NOW do you want to buy my house?" trick.

You see? Good news day.


Blogger Heavy Early said...

I try to balance this stuff with lots of news about Scott Stapp.

Funny is funny, sir.

It was nice of you to visit and I hope things are cozy (and not toooo Liberal) up there in the Nation's Capital.

10:33 PM  

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