Monday, March 13, 2006

Annie Proulx goes nuts

Annie Proulx wrote the short story upon which Brokeback Mountain is based and is apparently taking it awfuly hard that said film lost the Best Picture to Crash.

In this "essay" she wrote for the Guardian she basically lambasts everything about the Academy Awards - some of which is fair game. Unfortunately the whole thing is coloured by her over-the-top jealous rage.

Some of it can be taken as tongue-in-cheek but then she writes something like:
"And rumour has it that Lions Gate inundated the academy voters with DVD copies of Trash - excuse me - Crash a few weeks before the ballot deadline."
...and you can't help but wonder if a Pulitzer Prize winning writer couldn't be a bit cooler, or at least more mature, about the whole thing.

She ends by writing, "For those who call this little piece a Sour Grapes Rant, play it as it lays."

But it's far too late to use that cop-out. Read and revel at the insanity.

For what it's worth - I enjoyed both films but must confess that while I'm not entirely sure it's BEST PICTURE!, Crash has stayed with me more. There are twin backlashes that baffle me:
1) That Crash is a simplistic, preachy fluffy piece of nothing but liberal tripe.
2) That people who voted for Crash did so because they didn't want to reward a movie about a pair of homosexuals. In rewarding Crash and at least nominating BM, they could have their bleeding heart cake and eat it boo.

Bullshit says I, to both of the above.
Brokeback lost and if you liked it more, that's just fine. But don't give me all this anti-homosexual stuff to explain it. There is no grand conspiracy and since the Oscar votes are secret you will never know if it lost by 1 vote or 100.
Get over it.

I like Gladiator and Shakespeare in Love and can still enjoy them even though every viewing reminds me that Traffic and Saving Private Ryan , respectively, should have taken the Oscar over them. It's not the end of the world!

Time will tell and I'm sure some of the nominees (Munich comes to mind) will fare quite will with age.


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