Monday, February 20, 2006

The Real World

-I'm not saying Osama Bin Laden isn't a threat anymore. I'm just saying that when you've gone from bombing embassies and centres of the proverbial miiltary-industrial complex to hiding in a Pakistani cave, occasionaly dropping hissy audio tapes declaring, "Hey, let's make a'll never take me alive, coppers, see!" ... well, it's time to just retire, is all I'm saying.

-The David Emerson affair has a lot to say about the state of politics in Canada, but I'm not sure just what.
That politicans are whores?
That floor-crossing is all fun and games until it happens to you?
That Stephen Harper is as much of a hypocrite as everyone he calls a hypocrite?
That it's admirable when a politican admits he ain't too brainy (especially now that he's a cabinet minister)?

-If I won $365 million (forgetting about taxes), I think I could give about $250 million to charity (I want just one thing named after me - and for the family, really) and kick back. I don't need more than 3 houses, 5 cars or 25 guitars.

-Holocaust denier David Irving's lawyers have apparently advised him that it's time to admit he was being a bit, um, imaginative when he declared that there were no gas chambers at Auschwitz. He countered that there should be a statute of limitations on Holocaust denial and youthful indescretions should not be held against him. Now he can look forward to 3 years in prison where his former White Power views probably would have served him better than his current run-in with reality.

His lawyer felt the sentence was a bit unfair saying, "I consider the verdict a little too stringent. I would say it’s a bit of a message trial."

A bit of a message trial? Yeah, that sounds about right.


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