Monday, February 20, 2006

Random Thoughts - Olympics

One could do a whole blog on the Olympics but it's just too exhausting and expansive.

Here are my random thoughts so far, perhaps broken into two delectable, digestible morsels.

-The Canadian Olympic Council decided to declare that we would finish third in medal standings. Ballsy, I grant you. But it makes us look sucky if we finish a respectable fourth or fifth (which is fairly likely).

-I don't know why I take a peverse pleasure in watching American Bode Miller win nothing. Maybe it's that knee-jerk ecastacy all Canadians get from watching Americans fail...maybe it's just the specificty of how they KNEW he was going to bring home multiple medals what with his cool 'tude and all. In the meantime, he doesn't seem to care too much, so why should I?

Nah, I'll take our boy Ross Regabliati any day. Our homeboy won the snowboarding medal in 2002 and got busted for dope, and got to keep his medal. I mean, it was only pot (a snowboarder on pot!) and his defence was that he'd been at a party where OTHER people we smoking it. Nice.

-As for our own totals so far, well we've had a little bit of everything. If they gave out a medal after Bronze (Brass? Iron?) we would be doing great. We're good fourth-placers. We've had people like Rob Buttle slip in and take a surprise award and we've had master chokers like Jeremy Wotherspoon disapoint with extreme prejudice.

-Our hockey team lost a few games before bucking up in 2002 but this time they look really shaky. No goals in 2 games? Losing to the Swiss?? Not good. At least the women's team won gold - that should shame the men somewhat. In the meantime Gretzky's giving them a bit of what for but we'll see if that adds up to anything.

-Side note: If the Swiss are always neutral when it comes to REAL things (like wars) how come they are still allowed to compete? Shouldn't they be forced to stay out and be, like, the judges and stuff? I guess not - they'd probably keep slipping medals to the Germans (rim shot!)


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