Monday, February 20, 2006

Spam of the Da y

A good spam, in my opinion, should draw you in. Either the subject line should grab you - perhaps selling something you WANT or the text within should seem plausible. By the time you've had your 50th chance to help a Nigerian banker...well, it's just not the same.

This is a bad spam.
The subject is "the REAL hg.h."
I don't want any of that stuff - real or not. The authenticity is hardly the issue.

Then it begins, "Yo Kerel," which is not my name and probably not a real name at all.

Then the text:
"Yo Kerel

Ethan mentioned to me that you wanted to get back into shape. If this still
holds true, see this site at XXXX

They've got all these excellent program and therapies that helped me.
Everyone there is really nice and they really listen to your needs.

no worries,

Bad grammar, weak form...this just a bad, spam.
It's the banality of spam evil.

I might be skeptical of offers to get "Great Value in the Oil and Gas Sector" or the increasingly prevalent offers of 500% more sperm volume, but at least they come from people like "otxfnfiuggtg " and "Ebru Patino." Make an effort, people.

You're not going to sell me anything or leave a virus on my computer - the least you can do is ENTERTAIN me.


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