Thursday, February 09, 2006

A Clean Slate

Slate magazine and I seem to be in sync today.

Firstly, they have graciously produced the Jamie Foxx/Kanye West pic I was looking for.

Their Troy Patterson also has a pretty fine take on the celebrations. Still, it's hard to find adjectives to describe Paul McCartney's descent from a rocking "Helter Skelter" to a sickening "Yesterday" with Linkin Park and Jay Z.

Sorry - you'll have to go elsewhere to find pics of the freaky, formerly-sexy Teri Hatcher trying too hard to be sexy.

But I'm only too happy to provide a picture of the very nutty looking Sly Stone who beamed down for the shenanigans.

Way at the other end of reality is a fine article at Slate which asks the pragmatic question at the back of everyone's thoughts: Where the heck are Muslims getting all those Danish flags? And, while we're at it, how come in countries like Syria where public gatherings (to say nothing of riots) are, shall we say...discouraged - it's no problem for everyone to get together and burn an embassy or two.

It reminds me of a time that Canada announced it would take in Palestinian refugees if that was needed as part of a final peace agreement and the Palestinians did not appreciate that. In fact the news featured mobs burning effigies of the Canadian foreign minister, John Manley. Where the fuck would you find that? Who in Gaza could even name the guy? Do you download a pic off google to get an accurate mock-up? Is it possible that maaaaaaaaaaybe the Palestinian Authority is involved in this somehow?

Oh, well. That's just the world, I guess.


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