Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Arrested at Birth

Since it's about to be recently deceased, I intend on spending the time between now and Friday night mourning the loss of Arrested Development - the single funniest show on TV since...I don't know - prime Seinfeld, maybe.

The Fox network, in their infinite wisdom, have not actually cancelled the show. It's more like they've decided to shoot it in the kneecaps first and let it bleed a while. I had my first REAL inkling it was heading for the shitter when they failed to publicize, even once during the Simpsons (which aired right beforehand) that Dan Castallenta (Homer, natch) and Ben Stiller would be guest stars on AD, mere minutes after.

But the suffering will end and the coup de grace will be delivered on Friday night when Fox sends AD to the crematorium in style. They will dazzle fans with the final 4 episodes, airing back to back, AGAINST THE OPENING CEREMONY OF THE OLYMPICS.

There is faint hope - Showtime and ABC have been negotiating to pick up the show but no deal can be finalized until the show is cancelled and, of course, it still has not been!

(And can I add that Justine Bateman will be having a cameo in one of the episodes? I think I can.)

I couldn't possibly pick only one joke from the show that's a favourite but one I would love to illustrate for those who have not seen the show (or even those who have) is Dr. Tobias Funke explaining how he succesfully combined the fields of analysis and therapy to become the world's can see the card.

I can still comisserate with other traumatized viewers and soon the three truncated seasons of Arrested Development DVDs will sit on my shelf alongside other great shows cancelled by Fox before their time:
-The Tick
-The Ben Stiller Show
-Freaks and Geeks (actually cancelled by NBC but it's Undelcared's older brother, so I count it).

Fuck Fox. Fuck them up their stupid assholes.


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