Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Ralphie - You'll shoot your eye out!

Oh, I do love Ralph Klein.
Even in this young blog I know I've already written about him at least once. And it's incumbent upon anyone who sits to his political left to mention - every time his name comes up - the time he drunkenly berated homeless people. Fear not, he was re-elected.

This time, however, all he's doing is challenging the structure of our national health care system (see how nicely it dovetails with the Malcom Gladwell thing I posted yesterday)?

I like everything about this, from Klein thinking it's fair to queue-jump to Tony Clement's return to cabinet form by dodging questions wherever he can. After all, it's Stephen Harper's job, not his, to backtrack on election promises before Parliament even starts sitting.

Y'know, I like Alberta just fine. They're as much a part of "my Canada" as Quebec.
Butif you took away their oil it'd be an awful lot like if you took away Saudi Arabia's oil - a little bit of luck with geology doesn't give youthe right to start acting like you own the place.


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